Wednesday, December 30, 2015

It Was A Very Good Year

Yesterday I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't fall back asleep. For some reason, my mind wandered back to the job I had before I entered art school, and I remembered how utterly miserable I was there.

I worked in a cubicle under fluorescent lights, doing incredibly repetitive, mind-numbing work. Most of the job consisted of pushing one of two buttons: "approve" and "reject." I had a good boss and kind co-workers, but the work itself taught me the true meaning of the phrase "bored to tears." When I took my legally required 15-minute breaks, I would often walk outside the building and cry because I was so bored. It sounds silly, like a first-world problem, but that's how it was. I had headaches every day. Using a post-it note, I covered up the clock on my computer screen, because otherwise I would look at it too often and the minutes would creak by.

That's why, once I decided to go to art school, I threw myself into it 100%. I was so incredibly grateful to get away from that job, and to have purpose in life, that I was determined NOT TO SCREW THIS UP. I was going to learn everything. I was going to excel in all my classes. I was going to ask all the questions and enter every contest. Anything to make sure I never again had to work a cubicle job.

That was about two and a half years ago. Even with all my hard work at school, I didn't expect to be doing as well at illustration as I am today. I am so grateful to be doing work that is creative and challenging, that makes me feel like I have something unique to offer. I even hope that I am doing some good in the world by creating art that encourages children to read.

I am also grateful to all you blog readers. Thank you for reading and for commenting, for sharing my posts and offering words of encouragement. Hearing from you guys brightens my day.

I hope you all have a good New Year!


  1. Great post! Your passion comes through everything you do!

  2. May you have a blessed new year! I always enjoy seeing your work and reading your blog!

  3. I graduated art school last year and trying to break into the picture book industry can be tough at times. When I need motivation, I always come to your blog. Your posts are full of honest and helpful advices (and beautiful works, of course). Thank you for running this blog, it means so much to people like me. Happy new year!!

    1. Thank you, Suji! What a nice comment to start the new year. :)


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