The story is about a magical boy named Nezha who goes around defending children from the evil Dragon King.
Yes, this is a children's book.
Stay with me here.
Nezha is reincarnated as a "youth with three heads and six arms" and a skirt!!!!
He wreaks his holy vengeance on the evil Dragon King, who never returns to threaten humans again.
This book heavily influenced how I drew dragons. I really liked the twisting, ribbon-like forms of the Chinese dragons, and you can still see that in my artwork today.
Growing up in California, I had never seen anything else like this. I spent my childhood wondering about this obscure, bizarre little book. Then, a few years ago, it occurred to me that I was just a Google away from having all my questions answered. I found the original Nezha animation, watched a few seconds of it, then decided that actually I preferred my book, in all of its strange, unexplained glory.
So neat to see how things from your childhood influenced your style and taste of art. I really enjoy your blog and your work- so I nominated you for a Liebster Award!